Thursday, April 11, 2013

Autumnal Masks - Back to Nature

A recent workshop making Autumnal Masks was a complete success... We used paper plates that had been pulled from the recycling bin, a couple of bags of fallen leaves, scissors, glue and a bit of elastic to make fantastic masks... 


... what came from making the masks was amazing new characters with personalities as completely different as each mask themselves.... One wee lad when asked about who he now was with his mask on hunched his shoulders over and began stomping like a troll.... he made gobbled gloopy sounds and low growls  ...... by complete contrast his sister was whimsically flitting around eminating fairy magic and singing lalalalala - The Smurfs theme song....


... we had alot of discussions around the different trees that the leaves come from, the difference between evergreen and deciduous, native trees as opposed to exotic trees and many other questions and answers from workshop hosts, parent, children and the odd teen....